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湯川秀樹著作集 10  欧文学術論文 

人名 湯川 秀樹/著
人名ヨミ ユカワ ヒデキ
出版者・発行者 岩波書店
出版年月 1990.2



書誌種別 図書
タイトル 湯川秀樹著作集 10  欧文学術論文 
タイトルヨミ ユカワ ヒデキ チョサクシュウ オウブン ガクジュツ ロンブン 
人名 湯川 秀樹/著
人名 谷川 安孝/編集・解説   河辺 六男/編集・解説
人名ヨミ ユカワ ヒデキ
人名ヨミ タニカワ ヤスタカ カワベ ロクオ
出版者・発行者 岩波書店
出版者・発行者等ヨミ イワナミ ショテン
出版地・発行地 東京
出版・発行年月 1990.2
ページ数または枚数・巻数 466p
大きさ 22cm
価格 ¥4175
ISBN 4-00-091430-8
分類記号 081.6
言語区分 jpn
タイトルコード 1005010120692



On the theory of internal pair production   3-13
On the theory of the β-disintegration and the allied phenomenon   14-26
Supplement to “On the theory of the β-disintegration and the allied phenomenon”   27-29
Theory of disintegration of the nucleus by neutron impact   30-39
Elementary calculations on the slowing down of neutrons by a thin plate   40-51
On the efficiency of the γ-ray counter   52-59
On the nuclear transformation with the absorption of the orbital electron   60-62
On the theory of collision of neutrons with deuterons   63-74
On the interaction of elementary particles
Note on Dirac's genelarized wave equations   85-89
A consistent theory of the nuclear force and the β-disintegration   90-91
On a possible interpretation of the penetrating component of the cosmic ray   92-93
On the theory of the new particle in cosmic ray   94-95
The mass and the life time of the mesotron   154-156
Mass and mean life-time of the meson   157-159
Note on the absorption of slow mesotrons in matter   160-164
On the scattering of mesons by nuclear particles   165-175
Outline of the meson theory   176-182
Bemerkungen u‥ber die natur des mesotrons   183-187
On the nature of the mesotron   188
Models and methods in the meson theory   189-202
Meson theory in its developments   203-208
Mesons and nuclear forces   209-214
Introductory remarks on meson theory   215-222
An attempt at the theory of elementary particles   223
On the theory of elementary particles   224-230
Reciprocity in generaliaed field theory   231-232
Possible types of nonlocalizable fields   233-234
On the radius of the elementary particles   235-238
Quantum theory of non-local fields
Remarks on non-local spinor field   257-259
S-matrix in non-local field theory   260-261
On the difference between local and non-local fields
Structure and mass spectrum of elementary particles   277-282
An attempt at a unified theory of elementary particles   283-293
Attempts at a unified theory of elementary particles   294-302
Special theory of relativity and the structure of elementary particles   303-305
Elementary particles and space-time structure   306-315
An attempt at a non-linear field theory   316-319
Theoria de campos   320-323
Introduction<to non-linear field theory>   324-326
Extensions and modifications of quantum field theory   327-344
An approach to the unified theory of elementary particles   345-347
A theory of weak interaction based on a rotator model   348-350
Internal structure and symmetry of elementary particles   351-360
Space-time description of elementary particles   361-380
Atomistics and the divisibility of space and time   381-392
Field theory of elementary domains and particles   393-448


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